
Fraxinus americana
White ash.
Key Uses:
Origin : Native to eastern North America.
Background : In Norse mythology the ash tree was considered sacred. In Europe its nutritious sap has traditionally been used as a gentle laxative.
Preparation : The bark of the tree is chopped and macerated in alcohol.
Remedy Profile : A need to talk is common in those who respond best to this remedy, and they tend to be depressed, nervous, and anxious. Illness may be accompanied by uneasy sleep and frightening dreams.
Fraxinus is chiefly used for uterine problems. Typical symptoms include a uterus that is relaxed in tone, or possibly prolapsed, with a watery, non-irritating vaginal discharge and a heavy, painful, bearing-down sensation. The remedy is also given for heavy, painful menstruation, and for fibroids and other tumors.
Symptoms Better : None known.
Symptoms Worse : For injury; for sprains; for lifting.

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