
Caladium seguinum
American arum, dumb cane, poison arum.
Key Uses:
Origin : Found in the Caribbean islands, Guyana, and northern Brazil.
Background : This plant’s poison causes muteness and impotence: in the 17th and 18th centuries, the men of the West Indian Maroons applied it to their wives’ sexual organs to suppress their libido and cause impotence in any man who seduced them.
Preparation : The whole, fresh plant, including the root, is macerated in alcohol.
Remedy Profile : Caladium is most appropriate for people who feel debilitated, nervous, restless, and forgetful, perhaps following a feverish illness. Illness depletes their energy levels and libido, despite a prior history of high sexual energy and a susceptibility to lascivious thoughts. Other symptoms include rough, dry, itchy skin and a marked craving for tobacco.
Symptoms Better : After sweating; for sleeping in the daytime.
Symptoms Worse : For movement.

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