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Moschus moschiferus
Musk deer.

Key Uses:

  • Fainting triggered by the slightest excitement or by eating, menstruation, or heart disease
  • General coldness or a chill in a specific area of the body
  • Heightened physical and mental tension, which may cause spasms, twitches, and seizures in the muscles
  • Hiccups

    Origin : Found in northeastern and central Asia, and in northern India.

    Background : Male musk deer secrete a waxy substance called musk, which has a heady scent that is widely used in the manufacture of perfume. Musk also has a strong reputation as an aphrodisiac.

    Preparation : The musk is dried and macerated in alcohol before being diluted and succussed.

    Remedy Profile : Moschus is best suited to people who are bustling, overexcited, and prone to uncontrollable laughter. They tend to be quarrelsome and may express violent anger. Often physically awkward and with confused speech, they may be preoccupied and absent-minded. Their feelings of anxiety and fear of death may lead to hysteria, and they may experience intense sexual excitement even if they are elderly.
    Key symptoms associated with Moschus include heightened physical and mental tension, which may cause spasms, twitches, and seizures in the muscles. General coldness is another characteristic symptom, or a chill in a specific area of the body; for instance, one cheek may be red but cold, the other pale but hot. The remedy is prescribed chiefly for fainting that is triggered by the slightest excitement, such as scolding or anger, or by eating, menstruation, or heart disease. In addition, Moschus is given for chest spasms, and spasms in the abdominal muscles or diaphragm, such as hiccups.

    Symptoms Better : For open air; for warmth; for rubbing the affected area.

    Symptoms Worse : For cold; for any excitement; for suppressing symptoms; for pressure on the affected area.

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