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Install solar panels on your roof

Help Save the Environment


Install solar panels on your roof

Solar panels convert sunlight to electricity and are dropping in price (some estimates put solar panel installation at about $10,000). A home utility bill can drop by 20% with the use of converted solar energy.Keep in mind that there is concern, however, about the negative environmental impact of the manufacturing of solar panels. Solar panel manufacturing can result in chemical toxicity and lack of recycling, among other issues.


Dont waste food
Trade in your dryer for a good old fashioned clothesline
Plan out your errands and combine trips
Use a warm blanket or sweater in winter
Join an environmental organization
Walk or bike for local trips
Write a letter to the editor
Organize a carpool for work or school
Install solar panels on your roof
Avoid pesticides herbicides and man made chemical fertilizers
Unplug devices when possible
Reduce the area of lawn
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