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Determining the Difference Between Strep Throat and the Cold Virus

Healthy Throat


Determining the Difference Between Strep Throat and the Cold Virus

Figuring out which of these two is the cause of your symptoms is not always possible. However, there are some key differences. Strep throat usually involves a severe sore throat that is usually not accompanied by a runny nose, coughing, congestion and sneezing. However, the only way to know for sure if you have strep is to visit your doctor and have a rapid strep test or throat culture performed. These kinds of strep complications often occur in children who get strep throat without the knowledge of their parents, particularly if the case of illness is mild. A parent may not know that a child is sick, or may mistake strep for a mild cold. If you notice a loss in appetite, difficulty swallowing or a fever in your child, its important that you take him or her to the doctor.


A Description of The Throat
Moderate voice use when sick
Gargle with salt
Minimize throat clearing
Throat and Voice Healthy
Drink water stay well hydrated
Try a lemon and water drink
Avoid Sharing Eating Utensils
Do not smoke
Keeping the sore throat bugs away
Try making hot tea
Do not abuse or misuse your voice
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