healthy nails

Healthy Nails

11. Keep a nail file handy for emergencies
Its so important to keep a nail file with you at all times to smooth any rough edge and prevent further damage, says Lippmann.
12. Load up your meals with protein
A well balanced diet and drinking a lot of water to stay hydrated are just a few of the simple ways Lippmann believes will promote healthier nails. Choi echos this advice and calls out protein rich foods like fish that help to build nail strength.
13. Never use your nails as a tool
When using your fingernails to open boxes, letters or as any last minute tool, you risk bending the nail back, among other things, says Lippmann. The white area, referred to as the stress area, will eventually weaken and break. A lot of us are unaware of how we use our hands, so make a conscious effort to pay close attention to how you use your nails.
14. Base and top coats are manicure essentials
According to Lippmann, wearing polish protects the nails and keeps them in better condition. Never skip base coat or top coat, especially base coat, she adds.
15. Nail strengtheners they really do work
Nail strengtheners are composed mainly of keratin protein, which is what the nail is mostly made up of, explains Kyees. The strengthener bonds the molecules in the nails together creating a stronger nail. But when you discontinue use of the products all together the nail will return to its normal composition. Choi recommends polishing on a nail strengthener every three days for the best and
16. Swipe away that old nail polish
Weve all been guilty of wearing a manicure out to this unflattering point. To prevent peeling away at chipped nail polish, Choi suggests removing one week after.
17. Remedies for brittle easily broken nails
Brittle nails that split, peel and break easily are a common complaint.Brittle nails can happen because nails are too dry, but they can also happen if nails are too soft. Because of this, health care professionals often have two recommendations: Apply light moisturizer daily, and avoid harsh chemicals. Applying a moisturizer to your nails and cuticles will help lock water into the nail, which is good for strong, healthy nails.In addition to keeping nails hydrated, experts recommend we avoid exposing them to harsh chemicals, including cleaning products and acidic foods, such as lemons and oranges. When working or cleaning, wear gloves to protect your skin and nails from damage use vinyl gloves for wet work and cotton for dry work.
18. A Thumb nail Sketch
Your fingernails and toenails are there to help prevent injury to your digits, so from time to time your nails are likely to get injured in the line of duty (or in the strike line of a hammers head). Nail injuries can cause bruising, infection and may sometimes stunt nail growth. Keeping your nails short can help prevent nail injury because youll be less likely to snag a nail or separate it from the nail bed. And while you cant always prevent an accidental injury such as shutting your finger in a door or drawer, you can help reduce the risk of nail bed trauma with a little common sense: Dont use your fingernails as if they were tools.
19. Nothing Fun About Fungus
Although yeast and other fungi and bacteria are equal opportunity nail invaders, its more likely youll develop a fungal infection in your toenails than your fingernails. This is generally because the fungus that causes an infection in a nail is the same as the one that causes athletes foot. Athletes foot is a common infection; it can develop quickly in warm, moist places, such as inside your socks. To help prevent fungal infections from invading your nails, keep all nails and cuticles clean and dry with a baking soda scrub, dont bite your nails or pick at hangnails (which can open the door to a fungal or bacterial infection), and treat ingrown nails with saltwater soaks to keep them clean and infection free.If you have signs of a foot fungal infection, over the counter topical antifungal medications containing clotrimazole or miconazole can help clear it up, but if the infection gets into or under a nail, you may need prescription strength medication to knock it out.
20. Supplements beneficial or bunk
Wish there were a magic pill to make nails strong and healthy, and keep them that way? While its not a magic pill, some studies have found that the vitamin biotin may help build nail thickness and hardness while reducing the chance of splitting. And for people with brittle, soft nails, this could seem like magic. An easy way to boost your biotin intake is with a supplement, but foods many of us eat every day are also rich in the B vitamin, from salmon to carrots to bananas. When it comes to other dietary supplements, there really arent any proven to encourage strong, healthy nails. While some consider calcium to be beneficial for nails, no scientific studies have found that to be true. And those claims that soaking your fingernails in gelatin will boost their strength and length? Well, thats just bunk.