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Serious Lip Service

Healthy Lips


Serious Lip Service

What anti dry lip arsenal would be complete without a lip balm of some sort Lip balms can bring a smile to even the sorest dry lips; they build a barrier between your lips mucus membranes and the outside world, helping lock must have moisture in. Remember to apply just a thin coat of lip balm dont gob it on, because that might tempt you to lick off the excess and we already learned why that was a bad idea. Also, its important to get a lip balm of at least SPF 15. Lips are very sensitive to the sun, so they need lots of protection from it. Otherwise, chapping can just get worse.


Coat you Lips with a Chap stick or Lip balm before applying lipstick
Never lick your lips
Exfoliate your lips
Leadfree Lipstick
Stay away from Dark Colours
Magic of pomegranate seeds
Scrub a dub dub
Hydrate yourself to keep your lips hydrated too
Lick the smacking habit
Expert Tips
Massage the lips
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