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Know When to See a Doctor

Healthy Lips


Know When to See a Doctor

If minor lip woes get worse or dont go away on their own, its probably time to get medical help. Some lip problems, such as those caused by infection or poor nutrition, require a doctors intervention. If youre also suffering from problems like fatigue or frequent headaches, your cracked lips might be just one indicator of a bigger problem, like a vitamin or mineral deficiency. It takes supreme willpower to overcome the urge to soothe a cracked or dry lip, but its necessary. Constant licking, biting or picking can cause or complicate cheilitis, an inflamed, crusty patch that can form at the corners of your mouth. If you manage to avoid aggravating cheilitis but it doesnt go away, a doctor can help determine if its a bacterial, fungal or viral infection and prescribe a topical ointment. The good news is that weve got more information on the next page to help get your lips in top shape.


Oiling the belly button
Stay hydrated
Coat you Lips with a Chap stick or Lip balm before applying lipstick
Moisturize your Lips
Hydrate yourself to keep your lips hydrated too
Massage the lips
Coastal Classic Creations Canyon Lipstick
Leadfree Lipstick
Serious Lip Service
Hands Off
Scrub your lips
Know thy balms
More ...

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