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Hydrate yourself to keep your lips hydrated too

Healthy Lips


Hydrate yourself to keep your lips hydrated too

Hydration brings out a pinkish tinge and a juicy look to the lips, while dry lips look exactly the opposite, dark and dull. Keeping yourself hydrated will combat the dryness on the lips irrespective of the season. Only external application of Moisture is not sufficient, internal hydration is important as well.


Avoid eating salty foods that leave a buildup on your lips
Stay away from Dark Colours
Leadfree Lipstick
Massage the lips
Quit smoking
Scrub a dub dub
Exfoliate your lips
Moisturize your Lips
Coat you Lips with a Chap stick or Lip balm before applying lipstick
Magic of pomegranate seeds
Know thy balms
Hands Off
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