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Kick back and relax

Healthy Head


Kick back and relax

Too much stress can actually rewire the brain, impairing memory and decision making capabilities, increasing anxiety and reducing the ability to regulate mood. Thats because chronic stress causes an increase of certain brain chemicals and hormones, like cortisol, that in large quantities can negatively affect parts of the brain that are essential to memory. Find something you enjoy that helps you relax, like a hobby, reading a book or doing yoga. The brain is resilient if you give it a chance! Sleeping enough is also important. Researchers found that people who sleep less than six hours per night or more than nine hours per night tend to have lower cognitive scores than people who slept between 7.5 8 hours per night.


Follow your physicians advice
Slow Down and Appreciate the Silence
Let your Brain Work
Adopt a Nutrient Rich Diet
Set Financial Goals
Feed Your Brain
Reduce the overall calories you consume daily
Engage Yourself in the Complex and Novel
Maintain Strong Connections
Eat more colorfully
Engage family and friends
Do Not Retire from Life
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