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Give acetaminophen

Healthy Ear


Give acetaminophen

Try giving your child acetaminophen to help relieve pain and fever. Do not, however, give your child aspirin. Aspirin use in children with a viral illness has been associated with Reyes syndrome, an often fatal condition characterized by severe, sudden deterioration of liver and brain function. For a list of precautions to take when using over-the-counter analgesics,Weve covered most of the ear difficulties you will encounter, but there are more serious problems, such as deafness or tinnitus. Turn to the next section for an examination of other ear disorders.


Stay alert to the signs
Tips for Swimmers
Swimmers Ear
Loud noise and hearing loss
Steer your child clear
General Care
Dont put cotton swabs into your ear canals
Follow through on the doctors instructions
Be careful with bottle feeding
Acoustical Trauma
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