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Lathyrus Tingitanus



Lathyrus Tingitanus

The Tangier Pea, a native of Morocco, cannot boast the agreeable scent, or variety of colours of the sweet Pea, nor does it continue so long in flower, nevertheless there is a richness in the colour of its blossoms, which entitles it to a place in the gardens of the curious, in which it is usually sown in the spring, with other hardy annuals.It flowers in June and July.The best mode of propagating it, is to, sow the seeds on the borders in patches, where the plants are to remain, thinning them when they come up, so as to leave only two or three together.


Anemone Hepatica Hepatica or Noble Liverwort
Reseda Odorata Sweet scented Reseda or Mignonette
Narcissus Major
Iris pumila Dwarf Iris
Helleborus Niger Black Hellebore or Christmas Rose
Cynoglossum Omphalodes Blue Navelwort
Dais Cotinifolia
Bulbocodium Vernum
Geranium Lanceolatum
Kalmia Latifolia
Primula Acaulis Fl
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