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Monarda Fistulosa



Monarda Fistulosa

The Monarda fistulosa, a hardy herbaceous plant, growing spontaneously in Canada, and other parts of North America, has long been cultivated in the English gardens, to which it recommends itself as much by the fragrance of its foliage, as the beauty of its flowers, of this species the plant here figured is an uncommonly beautiful variety, its blossoms far surpassing those of the original in size, as well as brilliancy of colour, the floral leaves also are highly coloured, we have represented a single blossom of the common Monarda fistulosa, that the difference of the two may be rendered obvious.This variety has been very lately introduced from Holland, by Messrs. Grimwood and Co. Kensington, it flowers from June to September, and is propagated by parting its roots in spring or autumn.


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