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Festivals of India



Navratri, as the name suggests is a celebration of nine days to worship Goddess Durga also known as Goddess Lakshmi in her protective form and Goddess Saraswati for disseminating knowledge. These three divine aspects are worshipped during the festival of Navratri. The festival is celebrated with this order, first Goddess Durga destroys all the evil after which Lakshmi imbibes divine qualities in the minds of devotees and finally Goddess Saraswati bestows true knowledge. Thus Goddess Durga which symbolizes the destructive aspect of the divine mother is worshipped during the first three nights of the festival the next three nights, Goddess Lakshmi is worshipped and on the last three nights, the Goddess of knowledge, Goddess Saraswati is worshipped. The tenth day known as Vijaya Dashami, generally the day where victory of knowledge wins over evil.


Durga Puja
Independence Day
Buddha Jayanti
Teachers Day
Ram Navami
Karwa Chauth
Gandhi Jayanti
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