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Focus on the user

Expert Tips on Integrating Mobile and Cloud Strategies


Focus on the user

No matter how complex or advanced the cloud technology or the solution is, for the end users (mobile workforce), the success is largely measured by the user experience and enhanced productivity that adds real business value, noted Viral Tripathi (@ViralTripathi), manager advisory, KPMG CIO Advisory. All employees want to think about is the best way to get their job done. If that means they can use what their IT organization has provided, brilliant. If not, enterprise users will gravitate towards the tools that work, leading to all of the challenges associated with shadow IT, added SearchYourCloud s Bain. A starting point for user centric strategy would be to differentiate the service needs using end user profiling (segmentation) methodology, continued Tripathi. For example, executives, information workers, task workers, etc., have different requirements whether in the office or when mobile. Ultimately, you ll want to define the user population mobile experience journey, added Ray Bordogna (@RayBordogna), partner and chief strategy officer, LiquidHub. When you place importance on your workforce, you ll see that cloud and mobile technologies enable companies to better equip the organization for maintaining the needs and expectations of the workforce while also having an advantage over the competition, said Clara Liang (@claraliang), chief product officer, Jive. Serving your employees first and foremost shortcuts you to the end goal.


Ignore server data organization when defining mobile strategy
Ask your employees what they want
Get Goldilocks visibility into your cloud
Manage poor connectivity to the cloud
Devise a permissive not restrictive BYOD policy
Utilize productivity suites
Focus on the user
Develop a cloud first and a mobile first strategy
Map out users and applications for easy access to needed data
Offload computation to the cloud
Recognize that mobile and cloud are symbiotic and synergistic
Test in public cloud move to private cloud for production
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