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Quick tips for dealing with loss of appetite

Daily Health Tips


Quick tips for dealing with loss of appetite

Loss of appetite can itself be a serious health condition. Particularly in wasting diseases, such as asthma, AIDS, cancer, emphysema, or chronic degeneration of the central nervous system, a healthy appetite can even make the difference between life and death. Lack of appetite can result from an inadequate supply of vitamin B, which leads to low production of hydrochloric acid by the stomach. Hydrochloric acid is essential for the digestion of food and absorption of vitamins and minerals into the blood. It is, therefore, necessary that the daily diet should be rich in vitamin B for normal appetite. Proper digestion and absorption of foods and regular elimination. Foods rich in vitamin B are all whole grain cereals, blackstrap molasses, nuts, soybean, eggs and butter. Vegetable oil is of special value to those wishing to gain weight as it is rich in vitamin E and essential fatty acids.


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