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In my life I doubt if I will ever forget the sensation of your lips against mine

Cutest Photos Of Animals Kissing


In my life I doubt if I will ever forget the sensation of your lips against mine

The amazing sensation of lip on lip is something best experienced than described. It is an unforgettable moment. These cute deer seem to be enjoying one of those moments expressing their love and concern for each other. It may take only a few seconds of contact but the kiss is definitely worth many hours of mouthing words of love. It is the perfect answer for many problems and issues amongst partners both in the human world and the animal kingdom as is seen in this cute photograph. No wonder this picture finds a place in this list of the cutest.


A kiss says it all
You should be kissed and often by someone who knows how
The kiss itself is immortal
Lets do this right with just a kiss goodnight
If you wanna know if he loves you so its in his kiss
Kiss me like you wanna be loved
Kiss me down by the broken tree house
It s ah impossible this kiss this kiss
The mouth is made for communication and nothing is more articulate than a kiss
What was obviously important was to kiss not talk about it
Its the kind of kiss that inspires stars to climb into the sky and light up the world
Baby say yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah and let me kiss you
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