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Madcap Coffee

Coffee Shops Around The World


Madcap Coffee

Clocking in at number three on our list of best roasters in the country, Madcaps put Grand Rapids on the coffee map and set themselves apart from other shops by offering tasting flights, serving espresso in snifters to emphasize the intense aromatics, and implementing a zero waste policy by trading trash cans for bus bins and sorting all of their trash into compost and recyclables.


Kaffeine in London
Addison and Steele in Perth Australia
Coffee Supreme in Wellington New Zealand
Coffee Collective in Copenhagen
Sant Eustachio Il Caffe Rome Italy
Cielito Querido Cafe in Mexico City
Stumptown Coffee Roasters in Portland Ore
Bonanza Coffee in Berlin
Cafe Grumpy in New York City
Truth Coffee South Africa
Forty Ninth Parallel in Vancouver
The French Press
More ...

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