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Ozzy Osbourne worked in a slaughterhouse

Celebrities Who Had Unbelievable Jobs


Ozzy Osbourne worked in a slaughterhouse

Ozzy Osbourne is a British rock vocalist, television personality, and songwriter. Prior to that, he worked as a trainee plumber, construction site labourer, apprentice toolmaker, a slaughterhouse worker, and a car factory horn-tuner. He even tried his hand at burglary by stealing a television, bibs, baby clothes, and T-shirts. Osbourne gained prominence as a vocalist in the 1970s with the band Black Sabbath. He is inducted to the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame in US and to the UK Music Hall of Fame for his achievements as a band member as well as a solo artist. He starred in television in 2000s in MTV reality show The Osbournes.


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