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Cartoons Characters That You Wish Were Real



Arthur is the loveable cartoon Aardvark starring in his own show Arthur. He loves to hang out with his friends Buster and Francine among others at school and at home. He faces real world challenges like asthma,dyslexiaand cancer. If you grew up in the 90s, no doubt you were a fan of Arthur. His show is the second longest running animated series only behind The Simpsons. Arthur would be a great cartoon character to have around in the real world because of his loveable personality. As long as he is soft and cuddly like he is in the show and not a real aardvark.


Mickey Mouse
Inspector Gadget
Bugs Bunny
Peter Griffin
Trent Daria
Eric Cartman
Simb The Lion King
Launchpad McQuack
Randy Marsh
Gus or Gus Gus Cinderella
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