Do an MBA
Career Options After Graduation
Do an MBA
Dont feel you are the technical guy your parents wanted you to be? Always felt like you are a manager and want to see yourself in a business suit in some MNC? Probably you have a fascination for MBA too. Dont get diverted by the thoughts that everyone is doing an MBA right now and its value has decreased. If you want to make a career in the management sector, hold managerial positions, then MBA is the right choice. You may specialize in your area of interest which may be the all time popular fields like HR, Marketing, Sales or the new growing domains like Digital Marketing, International Relations etc. In India, there are various entrance examinations that will help you get into the top 30 MBA colleges. CAT (Common Admission Test) serves as a gateway for an MBA at the IIMs and many other leading institutes. Some other popular exams are XAT (Xaviers), NMAT, SNAP, CMAT, TISS, IRMA etc.