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Be a Change Maker

Career Options After Graduation


Be a Change Maker

Feel fascinated when you see someone fighting for the rights of others? Want to bring some positive change in life of otherst? You can work for an NGO or start your own, you can choose a career in journalism, opt for social research or do something in your own profession itself by helping people who dont have access to it, e.g. if you are a lawyer fight for the rights of the less privileged; if you are a doctor treat people, if you are an engineer innovate for the mass etc.


Social Work
Hotel Management
Campus Placement
Go for an M Tech degree
Defense and Police Jobs Civil Services Forest Services Railways Jobs
Be a Change Maker
PG Courses
Go Abroad
Entrepreneurship Start your venture
Prepare for Civil Services
Teaching B Ed
More ...

Test your English Language
Crazy Things You Will Only Find In Japan
The Worlds Most Impressive Bridges
Rules to play Aquatics
Benefits of Iceberg lettuce
Bhai Dooj Celebration
Healthy Summer Drinks
Powerful Militaries In The World
Beautiful Hairstyles Tips
Most Terrifying Deep Sea Creatures
Science Experiments Ideas
Extremely Beautiful Minerals And Stones
Creepiest Clouds On Earth
Global Dial Code
Embarrassing Celebrity Moments
Benefits of Dates
Benefits of Dill Seeds
Benefits of Durian