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Whose responsibility is your confidence

Boost Self Confidence


Whose responsibility is your confidence

Why, yours, of course!

For any of us to be truly free, we must first be willing to be responsible for our lives. - David McNally

Only one person can build your confidence – guess who? That's right, you. If you don't do it, who will?

It will only happen if you make a firm commitment, set goals, plan a strategy and take action. All of this means accepting full responsibility for yourself – deciding to be confident and refusing to allow anyone to deflect you from your chosen course.

Accepting responsibility adds up to never, never blaming other people for:

1. Your lack of confidence
2. How others treat you
3. Your thoughts, words and actions
4. Failures, misfortunes and setbacks
5. Or anything else.

Assume that everything that happens from now on is your own doing. Think and behave accordingly. You'll find it's one of the most liberating things you can do.

We have to learn to be our own best friend because we fall too easily into the trap of being our own worst enemies. - Roderick Thorp


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