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Be a good listener

Boost Self Confidence


Be a good listener

good listening is one of the secrets of confident communication and popularity.

The Chinese verb to listen is composed of five characters meaning ear, you, eyes, individual attention, heart. The art of listening involves all of our being. - Lynda Field

The art of good communication can be summarised in four points:

1. Be a good listener so you truly understand what others say to you. Good listening earns genuine respect and admiration, and is one of the secrets of popularity.
2. Have something good to say. Boring people make boring conversation.
3. Express yourself well. Use colourful, descriptive language. Make your conversation sound interesting.
4. Appeal to the emotions. There's a wise saying: The head never hears until the heart has listened.

You'd be amazed how much more confident you feel when you're a good listener. You find you can handle business and social situations confidently. Become a good listener and you'll gain a reputation as a good conversationalist without having to say very much at all.


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