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How to build confidence

Boost Self Confidence


How to build confidence

an introduction to the life-changing formula that will transform your life.

Self-esteem isn't everything, it's just that there's nothing without it. - Gloria Steinem

First, develop self-awareness: know yourself, acknowledge that there are aspects of yourself that you wish to change, and understand what has stopped you feeling confident so far.

Then apply the I-T-I-A Formula:

1. Assert your intention to be confident, and make a commitment.
2. Change your thinking. This includes changing restrictive attitudes and beliefs.
3. Use your imagination. Imagine yourself as a confident person.
4. Act as if you are already confident. The more you speak and behave confidently, the more confident you will become.

Decide right now to treat yourself with love and respect and accept only the best for yourself for the rest of your life.


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