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Learning to control the cue ball for the next shot

Billiards Pool Game for Beginners


Learning to control the cue ball for the next shot

(Position Play)Ever seen a professional player playing? He not only makes the shot, but the cue ball then rolls around the table right next to the next shot. To be able to do this, you need to understand the elements of positioning the ball and shot selection. If you would like to learn position control, check out my new article series on learning cue ball position control.i) Controlling the Ball ? Obviously, for a quick crash course, I ignore the basic elements of position play. For people who have the time, or come back for a second lesson, we go over the stop shot, the follow shot and the draw shot. Check out this video for a quick explanation of follow, draw and stop shots.ii) Positioning the Ball ? Once you can control the cue ball, you need to start using the 90 and 30 degree rule and apply them for simple position play. Then comes learning to use follow, draw and side english to control where the cue ball goes after each shot. I have a separate workout to explain position play.iii) Shot Selection ? The last piece of the puzzle is learning to choose which ball to aim at so you are left with another shot after making the current ball. This is how you can make/run more than one ball at a time. After going over position play, I usually just play while I discuss and illustrate shot selection while using position play.Mastering these fundamentals takes any person from barely able to hold the cue to playing at an APA 23 level in under an hour. What separates an APA 23 from an APA 45 is consistency.Of course, There is a LOT more to pool than just aiming or running tables. The fact is, even after learning to aim well, there is still so much to learn and do. Better cue ball control, better position play, better safety play, better kick shots, better bank shots, learning breakout shots. Once you have mastered the basics, I recommend more advanced warmup drills to fine tune your stroke and position play.


Pool Instructions
Getting Started
Playing the Game
Switch it up
Tips for Pool game
Learning where to hit the cue ball
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Learning to control the cue ball for the next shot
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Pool Game
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