Playing the Game
Master the stroke.Each person has a different preferred hand position. If you are righthanded, hold the base of the stick with your right hand and rest the narrow end on your left. If you are lefthanded, do the opposite.
For a good hand position, try putting your index finger on the top of the stick (curving it) and put your thumb at the bottom of the stick. This is a good, basic way to put your hand in position because you have total control of the stick. Hold it tight as well.Some will prefer to rest the stick on their index finger while others may rest the cue in between their fingers in a flatter style. Experiment with a few to see what yields the best results.This hand will never move. Only move your back arm when shooting.Your feet should be a little wider than shoulderwidth apart and at a 45degree angle.During your practice strokes, your eyes should switch from the contact point on the cue ball to the point youre aiming for on the object ball.