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The leafy green vegetables

Benefits of Turnips


The leafy green vegetables

The leafy green vegetables that come from the tops of turnip bulbs are known as turnip greens. These can be added to salads or sauted and served as a side dish. Though the root is most widely used, its top fresh greens are much more nutritious, being several times richer in vitamins, minerals and antioxidants. All in all, turnips can be a perfect replacement for potatoes as it contains only 1/3rdcalories in comparison to those in potatoes. Rutabagas are a cross between turnips and cabbage which are larger, more round, have yellow color flesh and are sweeter than turnips.


Salad Recipe
Cures Asthma
Protein and Fiber
Strengthens the Immune System
Vitamins and minerals
Benefits of Antioxidants
Low in Calories
Treatment of Torn Feet
Aids in Digestion
Cardiovascular Support
Calorie Count
Lung Health
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