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Antiinflammatory Benefits

Benefits of Turnips


Antiinflammatory Benefits

As an excellent source of vitamin K and a good source of omega3 fatty acids (in the form of alphalinolenic acid, or ALA), turnip greens provide us with two hallmark antiinflammatory nutrients. Vitamin K acts as a direct regulator of our inflammatory response, and ALA is the building block for several of the bodys most widelyused families of antiinflammatory messaging molecules. While glucobrassicin (a glucosinolate found in many cruciferous vegetables, and the precursor for the antiinflammatory molecule indole3carbinol) does not appear to be present in turnip greens in significant amounts, other glucosinolates present in turnip greens may provide important antiinflammatory benefits and are the subject of current research.


Vitamin C
How to Select and Store
Turnip is a root vegetable
Protein and Fiber
Low in Calories
Antiageing Benefits
Antioxidant Benefits
Lung Health
Cardiovascular Support
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