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Protact from strokes and heart attacks

Benefits of Star Apple


Protact from strokes and heart attacks

Prevents the buildup of homocysteine which is linked to arthrosclerosis, strokes and heart attacks. There are also trace amounts of Niacin, Thiamine and Riboflavin. The pulp is sweet which surrounds the 6 to 11 gelatinous. The gelatinous are rubbery enclosing the seeds. When cut transversely, you can see the seeds arranged radially from the center. The fruit may have up to 10 flattened seeds which are oval and pointed. The seeds are hard about 2cm in length. Best fruits have around 3 seeds.


Protact from strokes and heart attacks
Cure hangovers and prickly heat
Star apple
Exotic yet Domestic
Perfumes and Notes
Some treat diarrhea and dysentery
100 Persent premium starfruit juice
Use of Star Apple as a snack
Vitamin B
Medicinal Uses
Vitamin A
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