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Benefits of Star Apple



The seeds contain 1.2% of the bitter, cyanogenic glycoside, lucumin; 0.0037% pouterin; 6.6% of a fixed oil; 0.19% saponin; 2.4% dextrose and 3.75% ash. The leaves possess an alkaloid, also resin, resinic acid, and a bitter substance. The star apple is an exotic fruit with a tough, inedible skin that ranges in color from green to purple, depending on the stage of ripeness. The tree of this genus is erect, 25 to 100 ft. in length, with a short trunk to 3 ft. in diameter, having a dense, broad crown of brownhairy branchlets.


Reverse Aging
Exotic yet Domestic
Cure in headaches
Cure hangovers and prickly heat
Preventing constipation
Vitamin C
Regulate blood pressure levels
Fruits of star apple
Fruit helps lower cholesterol
Yellow star apple
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