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Irritating bowel disorders

Benefits of Sapodilla fruits


Irritating bowel disorders

Sapodilla helps in limiting conditions such as erosive gastritis, refluxesophagitis, enteritis and irritating bowel disorders. Sapodilla is high calories, 100 g provides 83 calories (almost same as that of calories in sweet potato, and banana). In addition, it is a very good source of dietary fiber (5.6 g/100g), which makes it an excellent bulk laxative. The fiber content helps relieve constipation episodes and help protect the mucous membrane of the colon from cancercausing toxins by firmly binding to them.


Sapodilla fruits
Aids in Weight Loss
Helpful during pregnancy
Boost Immune System
High nutrition
Kidney Stones
Mental Health
Hemostatic qualities
High tanning substance
Crushed seeds
Health Benefits of Sapodilla
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