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Saffron nutrition facts

Benefits of Saffron


Saffron nutrition facts

Saffron is one of the highly prized spices known since antiquity for its color, flavor and medicinal properties. It is the dried "stigma" or threads of the flower of the S.crocus plant.Saffron has the distinct flavor because of the chemical components in it picrocrocin, and safranal. It also contains a natural carotenoid chemical compound, crocin, which gives saffron its golden yellow hue. These traits along with its medicinal properties make it a valuable ingredient in many foods worldwide.


variety of ailments
Usage Cooking and Eating
Saffron is an extraordinary and popular herb
Skin Benefits
Threads and powder
Smell the saffron
Prepare it
Treatment of Dry Skin
Reduces the gastrointestinal acidity
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