benefits of radicchio

Benefits of Radicchio

11. Battling Free Radicals
Radicchio is quite effective in fighting free radicals in the body. Free radicals are responsible for damaging the DNA of cells, leading to diseases such as heart disease, diabetes and cancer. Radicchio fares well in the Oxygen Radical Absorbance Capacity (ORAC) which helps in combating free radicals.
12. Weight Loss
Radicchio is rich in fiber hence helpful in management of weight. High fiber makes you full hence keep your desire to eat low; consequently, you will tend to eat less, losing on your weight gradually. With a shape similar to that of Treviso radicchio, Green radicchio looks very much like a head of Cos (Romaine) lettuce, with all of the bitterness and flavor of Radicchio. Pulling away the dark, oblongshaped green outer leaves reveals a light green to almost yellowishwhite center of tightly clustered leaves.
13. Rich in Minerals and Vitamins
Radicchio is laden with various minerals such as Zinc, copper and magnesium. It is also rich in Vitamin C, Thiamine, Riboflavin, Niacin, Vitamin B6, Vitamins A and E. It is noteworthy that our bodies are able to absorb vitamins and minerals best when obtained from vegetables such as Radicchio as opposed to taking supplements.
14. Bile Production
Bile is used in the digestive system whereby the bile salts help in the breakdown of fats and amino acids. In the process, it helps in reducing cholesterol in the body. Radicchio assists the body in the production of bile. Green radicchio is the mildest of the radicchio varieties. The flavor is sweet with a hint of bitterness and a distinct crisp, crunchy texture. Cooking Green radicchio will mellow its bitterness even more.
15. High blood pressure regulation
The phytonutrients such as lycopene, Ellagic acid and quercitin are responsible for giving radicchio its color. This property is useful in the regulation of blood pressure and consequently, reducing Low Density Lipoprotein (LDL) which is responsible for certain types of cancers.
16. Boost energy
Radicchio, like other vegetableshigh in antioxidants, boost overall health, wellness, and energy. Dark red radicchio has an antioxidant score of 3,537 per 100 grams. Green radicchio can be used in fresh applications such as a salad or as an edible cup or wrap, it is also sturdy enough to hold up in cooked preparations. It can be grilled, baked, roasted, saut?ed, poached or boiled into soup, stews and risottos. Its hardiness makes it ideal as part of a bed of greens for grilled meats. Antioxidantrich foods support the bodys metabolism.
17. Radicchio is lactucopicrin
The bitter principle in radicchio is lactucopicrin (intybin), a sesquiterpene lactone which is a potent antimalarial agent and has asedative and analgesic (painkiller) effect. Green radicchios subtle bitterness compliments fatty, salty and tart ingredients such as citrus, pears, cream based dressings, olive oil, balsamic vinegar, pork, anchovies, garlic, polenta and robust cheeses. To store keep refrigerated in plastic and use within two to three weeks.
18. Metabolism and cellular processes
Radicchio has 22% of the riboflavin you should consume every day. Riboflavin, or vitamin B2, is an essential vitamin required for properenergy metabolism and cellular processes. Riboflavin aids in metabolizing respiratory proteins, fats, and carbohydrates.Riboflavin helps the body sustain healthful skin, nails, eyes, mouths, lips, and tongue. Riboflavin is important for normal vision and to prevent cataracts, and has helped some patients successfully treat migraine headaches.
19. Excellent source of phenolic flavonoid
Radicchio is an excellent source of phenolic flavonoid antioxidants such as zeaxanthin and lutein which are known to offer protection to age related eye macular disease byfiltering harmful ultraviolet rays. The name Sugarloaf is a nod to the elongated shape of Green radicchio, resembling a solid conical form of sugar called
20. Naturally helps to regulate blood sugar levels
Chicories, like radicchio, contain a substance called inulin, whichnaturally helps to regulate blood sugar levels. Diabetes is linked to heart disease and stroke, so by controlling blood sugar levels with chicory patients canlower their risk of cardiovascular diseaseand complications.