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Benefits of Pumpkins



In traditional Chinese medicine, pumpkin seeds are ground into powder form to be drunk with the juice for the treatment of parasites or tapeworm infection. Pumpkin seeds indeed are an excellent source of dietary fiber and mono unsaturated fatty acids, which are good for heart health. In addition, the seeds are concentrated sources of protein, minerals and health benefiting vitamins. For instance, 100 g of pumpkin seeds provide 559 calories, 30 g of protein, 110% RDA of iron, 4987 mg of niacin (31% RDA), selenium (17% of RDA), zinc (71%) etc., but no cholesterol. Further, the seeds are an excellent source of health promoting amino acid tryptophan. Tryptophan is converted to GABA in the brain.


Pumpkin Juice for Health
Eating Pumpkin Puree
Tryptophan for Restful Sleep
Excellent Cooling Agent
Low Calorie While Helping Fill You Up
Rich in Beta Carotene
Moisturizes Dryand Damaged Hair
Anti Inflammatory Benefits
special source of the mineral zinc
Heart Healthy Magnesium
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