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Brain Function

Benefits of Potatoes


Brain Function

Proper functioning of the brain depends largely on the glucose level, oxygen supply, various components of the vitaminB complex and certain hormones, amino acids and fatty acids like omega3. Potatoes cater to almost all the needs mentioned above. They are high in carbohydrates, and thereby maintain good levels of glucose in the blood. This prevents the brain from letting fatigue creep in and it keeps your cognitive activity and performance high. Next, the brain needs oxygen, which is carried to the brain by the hemoglobin in the blood; its main constituent is iron. Potatoes contain iron as well.


Removal of Eye Puffiness
Treatment of Rashes Itching Sensation and Insectand Pest Bite
BComplex Vitamins and Vitamin C
Boiled potatoes
Promotes Healthy Hair
Nutritional Valueof Potatoes
Nutritional Profile
Removal of Dark Circles
Cancer Prevention
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