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Clears Skin

Benefits of Lemon


Clears Skin

The vitamin C component as well as other antioxidants helps decrease wrinkles and blemishes and it helps to combat free radical damage. Vitamin C is vital for healthy glowing skin while its alkaline nature kills some types of bacteria known to cause acne. It can actually be applied directly to scars or age spots to help reduce their appearance. Since lemon water purges toxins from your blood, it would also be helping to keep your skin clear of blemishes from the inside out. The vitamin C contained in the lemon rejuvenates the skin from within your body.


Cleanse Your Face
Deodorize a Humidifier
Aids in Weight Loss
Purges The Blood
Soothe Poison Ivy Rash
Prevents Kidney Stones
Side effects of Lemon Diet
Refresh cutting boards
Soften Cuticles
Forget The Moth Balls
As a cleaning agent
Reduce Asthma Symptoms
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