Balance Your Bodys pH
Benefits of Lemon
Balance Your Bodys pH
According to the Ayurveda philosophy, we should always start our day by aligning our body with nature?s rhythms. This includes restoring the pH balance in our bodies which often becomes acidic due to the stresses of modern life: junk food, pollution, lack of exercise and other toxins. It is important to keep the body slightly alkaline to prevent illnesses and chronic diseases like as cancer. Although lemons are indeed acidic, the nutrient content found in lemons is alkaline-forming. Lemons are one of the most alkaline forming foods around, which is why they are great for alleviating a number of health problems. Kick-start your day with a morning ritual of drinking a cup of lukewarm water with half a lemon squeezed in
Cleans your urinary tract and acts as a diuretic
Lemon Olive Oil
Anti Aging
Lemon detoxes
Clean Hands
Increases your chances of weight loss
Sanitize your cuttingboard
Energizes You and Enhances Your Mood
Can give you clear skin
Reduce Asthma Symptoms
Helps in cleansing the lymphatic system
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