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Aids detoxification

Benefits of Grapefruits


Aids detoxification

Grapefruit juice increases the activity and production of liver enzymes that help you detoxify by eliminating toxins from the body. ? The fruit contains very good levels of vitaminA (provides about 1150 IU per 100g), and flavonoid antioxidants such as naringenin, and naringin. Besides, it is a moderate source of lycopene, betacarotene, xanthin and lutein. Studies suggest that these compounds have antioxidant properties and are essential for vision.


Ruby Red
Grapefruit As Liver Cleanser
Grapefruit For Gum Problems
Health Benefits
Vitamin C
Grapefruit For Respiratory Problems
Prevents Arthritis and Works as an Antiseptic
Appetite Loss
Digestive disorder
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