benefits of fennel seeds

Benefits of Fennel Seeds

31. Preparation Methods & Dosage
Fennel is well known to cooks, all parts of the plant are edible. The fresh stems of fennel can be eaten much like celery, and the seeds add a lovely anise flavor to fish and other dishes. Fennel seeds are most often taken as a tea, the essential oil is used in massage oils and diffusers.
32. In the Kitchen
All parts of fennel are edible, stalks, leaves and bulbs. Fresh leaves can be used as flavoring in soups and sauces. The bulbs can be used in Italian dishes. Fennel seeds make an excellent tea.
33. Ayurvedic Medicine
Fennel increases the digestive fire without aggravating pitta. Its energy is in dispute some say warming, others cooling, most likely neutral. It calms the nerves, is the premier carminative herb for adults, and promotes mental clarity.
34. Fennel Side Effects
Fennel has virtually no side effects when used as a food, or as a seed tea. The essential oil should be avoided in pregnant and nursing mothers.
35. How to Grow Fennel
Fennel plants release a chemical, (anethole) that impairs the growth of some other plants, so it should not be grown very close to beans, tomatoes or cabbage family plants. Fennel grows well in its own big container in a rich soil. It is easily propagated by seeds, sown early in the year, and is frost resistant. You can direct sow, or transplant, about a foot or so apart. Fennel thrives in dry and sunny places that remind it of it's mediterranean home. Harvest the leaves anytime, and the bulbs when large enough. Keep flower heads cut to insure a supply of green leaves, or let flower heads mature to harvest seeds when ripe.
36. Kitchen Medicine
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37. What Fennel seeds contain
These seeds are very rich in minerals including magnesium. Two of its main constituents are Anethol and Fenchone. Anethol and other terpenoids may inhibit spasms in smooth muscles such as those in the intestinal tract. Fenchone may be responsible for the medicinal properties associated with Fennel.
38. How to consume
Fennel seeds may be chewed upon after every meal or even more often. About 2 3 gms may be had at a time and chewed upon. Daily intake about 7 gms. (or 1? teaspoon). Fennel may be also had as a tea decoction. For this, boil about 3 gms. (1/2 teaspoon) of seeds in 250 ml. of water. Let the water boil for about 5 minutes while keeping the pot covered. Cool the mixture and then sip as required. 2 3 cups may be had daily in this manner.
39. How to choose
Fennel seeds may be yellowish or green in appearance. While the yellow variety is usually used in cooking, the greener variety is softer, naturally sweeter and much better as an oral digestive and a mouth freshener.
40. Culinary Uses of Fennel Seeds
Fennel leaves and seeds are used in Indian, Italian, Mediterranean, Arabic and Middle Eastern cuisines. Fennel seeds are widely used in Indian cuisine to flavor curries, chutney and pickles. Saunf is an essential ingredient in the making of Rogan Josh, a Kashmiri meat delicacy. In Bengali cooking, it is an important spice as part of the mix of 5 spices