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For Better Cardiovascular Health

Benefits of Custard Apple


For Better Cardiovascular Health

The wellbalanced ratio of sodium and potassium in custard apple regulates and controls blood pressure fluctuations in the body. The high levels of magnesium in custard apple unwinds the smooth muscles of the heart and calms the jerks and cramps, thus preventing heart attack and stroke. Niacin and fiber in custard apple lowers bad cholesterol and increases good cholesterol in the body. It also prevents the absorption of cholesterol in the gut.


Natural Antidote For Morning Sickness
Custard apples contain antioxidants
Hilary White
Lowers Pigmentation Problems
Excellent Source Of Iron
For A Luxurious Moisturized Hair
For Better Hair Growth
Lower The Risk Of Arthritis
Cardiac Health
Prevents Premature Graying
For Better Collagen Levels
More ...

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