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Health Benefits

Benefits of Collard


Health Benefits

Unlike broccoli and kale and cabbage, you wont find many research studies devoted to the specific health benefits of collard greens. However, collard greens are sometimes included in a longer list of cruciferous vegetables that are lumped together and examined for the health benefits they provide. Based on a very small number of studies looking specifically at collard greens, and a larger number of studies looking at cruciferous vegetables as a group (and including collard greens on the list of vegetables studied), cancer prevention appears to be a standout area for collard greens with respect to their health benefits.


Heart Disease
Collard greens are an excellent source
Collard Greens and Cardiovascular Support
WHFoods Recommendations
How to Select
Skin Health
Detox Support Provided by Collard Greens
In Depth Nutritional Profile
Nutritional breakdown of collard greens
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