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Benefits of Celery



The COX2 inhibitors present in celery and celery seeds are also good at reducing uric acid levels, which are the cause of gout attacks. Either eating four celery stalks or taking two to four tablets of celery seed extract daily can even eliminate gout attacks. Or you might try preparing a tea by pouring boiling water over 1 teaspoon of freshly crushed celery seeds and letting it steep for 10 to 20 minutes before drinking it. If you have a juicer, its a very good idea to drink freshly squeezed celery juice on its own or added to other fruits and vegetables. Drink a glass every day.


Contains organic chemicals
Celery and Pesticide Residues
Preventing cancer
Vitamins c
Relief from ophthalmological diseases
Lowering blood pressure
Risks and precautions
Memory loss
It helps you calm down
How does it work
Diuretic activity
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