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Breast cancer

Benefits of Broccoli


Breast cancer

Broccoli has an anti estrogenic compound known as glucosinolates that are especially helpful to excrete excess estrogen that are linked to breast cancer. Vitamin A and C aid your body in mending damaged tissue, keeping your digestive, respiratory, urinary tracts healthy, and regulating your immune system. Perhaps most significantly, broccoli containscompounds calledisothiocyanate, sulforaphane, and indoles, which have proven to successfully fight and prevent the most common kinds of cancer, including breast, colon, lung, and stomach cancer.


In Depth Nutritional Profile
Broccoli Can Enhance Detoxification
Eye health
Broccoli and Cardiovascular Support
Broccoli leaves
Nutrient and Health Benefits of Raw Broccoli
Breast cancer
Diet aid
Raw Broccoli and Broccoli Sprouts
Broccoli facts
Stomach disorders
Vitamin C
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