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Benefits of Bananas



Banana leaves are large, flexible, and waterproof. They are often used as ecologically friendly disposable food containers or as plates in South Asia and several Southeast Asian countries. In Indonesian cuisine, banana leaf is employed in cooking method called pepes and botok; the banana leaf packages containing food ingredients and spices are cooked on steam, in boiled water or grilled on charcoal. In the South Indian states of Tamil Nadu, Karnataka, Andhra Pradesh and Kerala in every occasion the food must be served in a banana leaf and as a part of the food a banana is served. Steamed with dishes they impart a subtle sweet flavor. They often serve as a wrapping for grilling food. The leaves contain the juices, protect food from burning and add a subtle flavor.


Eye Health
Use as fertilizer or mulch
Treating diarrhea
Structure of Banana Leaf
Hair Benefits Of Banana
Helps lower cholesterol
Helps recovering from hangover
Normal Heart Function
Preparation and Serving methods
Production and export
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