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Avocado hair Mask

Benefits of Avocado


Avocado hair Mask

Avocado provides great hair treatment in combination with egg yolk, olive oil and yogurt. It nourishes you hair and moisturizes it from inside out, leaving it rejuvenated and well revitalized. To prepare the treatment, pulverize the avocado first and then add some olive oil, yogurt and egg yolk to it. Stir well to get a consistent paste and work it over your strands evenly, covering them with a plastic wrap afterwards. Let the mixture sit in your hair for almost half an hour and then rinse thoroughly with a mild shampoo as normal.


Maintain a healthy heart
A Real Super Food
Anti Inflammatory properties
Heart friendly
Exfoliating mask
Selection and storage
Beauty benefits of avocado fruit
Boosts immunity
Duodenal ulcer
Cardiovascular Health
Anti aging properties
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