Ayurvedic Medicine

Ephedra (E):
Ephedra is a dry, stalky plant that favours dry, barren land, and is specific for cold, wet, damp lung and circulatory conditions. It is invaluable for acute asthma and allergic respiratory attacks with kapha and cold symptoms. Somalata means the 'soma creeper' referring to 'soma' the divine plant that induced transcendental states. Although Ephedra spp. have been associated with soma this is not confirmed and ephedra is not a creeper.
Lungs Colds with high kapha, and allergies from cold and damp; hayfever, acute rhinitis, asthma, wheezing. As an antiallergenic herb it prevents the release of histamine from mast cells but should only be used when there is a cold component. Its superb bronchodilatory action directly relaxes the muscles around the lungs and eases shortness of breath Circulation Cold extremities and arthritis with high sĀ“lesaka kapha and swollen joints. Its vasodilating properties relax the skin and this helps to expel cold while its diuretic properties drain any swelling and oedema.