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Ayurvedic Medicine



Lotus (E) Sanskrit Padma, Kamala:

The lotus is the supreme symbol of the evolution of the soul. As she grows from the murky depths of the muddy lake waters to her majestic flowering on the clear surface of the water of life she is a living metaphor for our growth from ignorance to wisdom. It is very useful as a brain and reproductive tonic.

Bleeding The node and root are specific for bleeding disorders from the lungs, GIT and uterus. It astringes and cools the oily heat of pitta overflowing from its site in the small intestine. Reproduction The seed and stamen are aphrodisiac and are used in spermatorrhoea. The seeds are a tonic and rasayana helping to increase sĀ“ukra dhatu. They also benefit the development of language, speech and expression as they nourish majja dhatu and manovahasrotas. This specifically helps vata imbalances due to slow development and malabsorption of nutrients. The seeds also have a direct affinity for the uterus, promoting fertility and nourishing the fetus. Digestion All parts of the lotus benefit the intestines as they help to stop diarrhoea and nourish the mucous membranes lining the annavaha and purisavahasrotas. Nerves The seeds, root and stamen help to calm a nervous system and strengthen a 'frazzled' vata. By nourishing rakta dhatu and cooling pitta this directly influences the heart function.


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