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Being sarcastic with people who are like But its fish Here just try it

Things Vegetarians Get Really Good


Being sarcastic with people who are like But its fish Here just try it

Vegetarians as the world knows avoid all types of meat, even if it is something other than fowl, beef and pork. This means that fish is also off a typical veggie s platter. Why, some vegetarians even do not allow eggs in their diets. However, the non vegetarians will never understand these sentiments of their opposites they just cannot help swearing by the meaty delights. But should a vegetarian find that a non veg is taunting him for his grass and greens, he is not one to be left behind and is sure to throw an answer as crisp as his salads that is in addition laden heavy with sarcasm.


Ignoring people who say things like Hitler was a vegetarian so I cant trust you
Having really good snack game
Handling places where the salad option is basically this
Avoiding chicken broth
Feeling less guilty when a host makes you your own special vegetarian entree
Explaining that this isnt all you eat
Eating before you go to a wedding
Making a mean peanut butter and jelly
Assembling a cute plate of side dishes at Thanksgiving and holidays
Bringing home an A plus farmers market haul
Enjoying a life built around so many meat free AND delicious foods
Can you eat animal crackers Ha ha
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