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Have your kids pack their own lunches

School Lunch Tips


Have your kids pack their own lunches

You can stick a note to the fridge to remind your kids what should go in their lunch every day, and maybe lend a hand with trickier parts (like sandwich making). But it s easy to have them do their own assembly before bedtime every night. You ll save time, and they won t be able to complain about what s in their lunchbox, because they put it there.


Freeze drinks the night before and theyll double as ice packs
A lunch box with divided compartments cuts down
Make a big batch of PB and J sandwiches in advance and freeze them
Put a rubber band around a sliced apple to keep it from turning brown
Give food cute faces with stickers
If you want to add a cute note but dont have time to draw something
Mix homemade food with pre packaged snacks
Rice or Pasta
Heat up soup or pasta in the morning and pack it in a thermos to stay warm
You can also freeze a clean wet sponge to use as an icepack
Make lunches at night not in the morning
Make your own healthier Lunchables
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